About Us

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Sean Cooke, owner, lives in Kihei after living in Sedona, Arizona for over forty years and moving to Kihei, on the Island of Maui, Hawaii in 2015. Since he was a child he has been intrigued with the inner workings of electronic devices. Working as a professional cook and chef for over 25 years, he acquired his first pc in the 90’s and made a hobby of learning how to maintain and repair it himself. His knowledge quickly grew with avid use and interest and he worked in the field of internet design for a view years but soon found his interest to be with hardware and software troubleshooting and repair. In 2003 he started his own business and has developed a reputation as being reliable, friendly and efficient. His hands on expertise is valued by many and he communicates clearly with his clients being sure they understand their options and that their questions are answered in easy to understand terms.

Letha Cooke entered Sean’s life in 2007. She has a background in liberal arts and administration, and worked for several years at one on Sedona’s top tourism services. They married in 2008 and honeymooned in Kauai where they fell in love with the wonderful Hawai'i atmosphere. Seven years later, they were able to fulfill their dream of living here!